i've dropped a few lines about my day or my life. and i've left you with my favorite quotes and pictures that i come to find. everything you see and read here is a part of me and who i am. and the "aboutme" section gives you a blurb where you try and sound as intelligent as possible while describing yourself. but what about the things you don't include.. like the little things? my favorite things.
i love tv/movies. i can honestly say my life would be less without it. my favorite shows in no particular order are: rookie blue, big brother, biggest loser, bachelor/bachelorette.bachelorpad, criminal minds, grey's anatomy, (i'm sure i'm forgetting some). i'm a sucker for a chickflick. ps i love you, made of honour, leap year, a walk to remember. i would not live without my disney movies. the classics like peter pan and cinderella. there's not one i didn't like.
i'm afraid that when i have kids all they will know is movies like finding nemo and ratatouille. they're fine and dandy.. but what about the classics? my childhood! and dr seuss and little critter books? this fear that technology will not provide the same childhood for my children as i have had, has me stocking up on the classics on dvd and buying these books in every nook and cranny that i can find.
as a child i was a tomboy. one of the boys. part of my still is. i detested pink just because. but lately, my two favorite colors are purple and pink.
i want to finish university and head straight for london. then eventually end up in scotland. i am not a city girl. i will forever be a smalltown rural fishing community girl. i am a newfoundland. simply and finally.
i'm not sure if i would marry the most perfect guy ever.. if he didn't have an accent.
i believe in magic and myth. i adore criss angel and think he is 100% legit. i am the biggest harry potter ever. twilight is a love story that wraps around my heart.
i was reading at a highschool level in grade two. i heart antiques over new cars any day. my favorite aunt and uncle raised me and i thank them for my sense. my nan and pop are my world. i wish i could own an owl.
i have three best friends. i trust them more than my own family. i am afraid of the dark. well honestly, i'm afraid of everything. my anxiety and ocd majorly kicks in all the time. it doesn't hold me back too much, just sometimes.
i'm rather crazy, and i enjoy it. i'm completely outspoken and truthful. however, polite enough to hold my tongue in the nick of time.
some people have "words of wisdom: that they "live by." for the most part, so do i! but the one i believe in most strongly, and would lay down my life for, "once a cheater, always a cheater."
i am so very ambitious. i want to make the history books. i refuse to be a forgotten name.
About Me
- speak out and be heard
- first and foremost, i'm a small town girl from the bay. it's shaped who i am today. it has everything to do with why i like the simple things in life. the most important thing in life to me, is reading. i love to read; especially fiction. which brings me to.. i believe in magic and fairytales. i still wish on the first star i see at night, and you'll never see me without my socks inside out to ward away the fairies. i intend to spend my life traveling and working only to pay for these trips. i am the biggest harry potter nerd and proud of it. i have a way with words and use that to my advantage. i am crazy, unpredictable and irrational.. and i wouldn't have it any other way. i am who i am, you're approval is neither desired nor required
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