This week has been so crazy. I'd like to tell you that's why this blog has been so far neglected but it's not. We've had an overabundance of tests/assignment/assignments/projects etc.
On top of that, there's boy dramas. Oh the boy dramas. He came to my house last weekend (i spitefully through a party bc i was left home alone all thankgiving weekend babysitting) and i don't think i mentioned that.. It wasn't weird at all? He sat down with the boys and watched the game.. and he stood up with me! Ugh my.. I cannot believe Im looking at prom dresses.. he hasn't even asked me! But everyone else has come up to me and asked about it though so..
This was an amazing week in terms of "sightings." And I think my Grandfather has been enlightened to my family troubles. Loves me some Uncle D. I really hope he comes and asks yours truely about it. He'll definitely know it then bc I will not hold back.
I started wrapping christmas gifts last night with my fellow doormat next door. We had a grand time! No christmas music though.. just bingo hahah.
I had intended to have lots to talk about about my wonder of the world and what not but tonight.. I am really not feeling it. Damn flu.
Admist my pictures and quotes this evening I am including some of my dress selections.. enjoy.
I also spent a lot of time coming up with this:
Maybe bad stuff has happened to me because I was created to
endure it. I have the capability of dealing with it. A friend told me
today, "I wish I was as strong as you are." I have long wished to be
her. She hasn't known the pain I have. She feels on a completely
different level and I'm jealous and shocked by realizing that. I have
had so many horrible things put in my life that made me grow in ways she
hasn't and maybe never will. I have to accept that although it's been
hard, everything has made me who I am. It has made me strong. I have
been thrown down hills and have lost all mental fragility. I can be
hammered upon and I will not break. Fate made me this way and I only
hope I can make good come from it. I want to not let the experiences and
the pain have been for nothing. I see the bigger picture in life. I'm
privileged in a way few are. These thoughts keep me going.
i actually think this is a fantastic date dress. love.. |
this is more a choice for the Royal wedding.. PLEASE INVITE ME |
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HALLOWEEN COSTUME.. I'm making it myself.. but the dress will be much different. |
Her: I thought you were going to save the world?
Him: I did. You are my world.
++Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Him: I did. You are my world.
++Sabrina the Teenage Witch
What are the three
words guaranteed to
humiliate men everywhere?
'Hold my purse.'
words guaranteed to
humiliate men everywhere?
'Hold my purse.'
When people you don't even know hate you,
that's when you know you're the best
that's when you know you're the best
Well-behaved women rarely make history.
When scientists discover the
center of the universe,
don't be surprised when it isn't you
center of the universe,
don't be surprised when it isn't you
You and rumors have one thing in common:
You both get around
You both get around
Girls always claim to hate drama
Yet they still start it
He misses you? Good, he should.
You're sexy, pretty, fun, outgoing and fun to be around.
Guys that haven't met you yet, miss you.
But don't get back together with him,
because somewhere out there,
there is a guy searching really hard for you.
He's the one that deserves someone amazing like you.
Let him have it and not the asshole that left you.
Behind every untrusting girl
is a guy who taught her to be that way.
is a guy who taught her to be that way.
" maybe you dont go to hell for the things you do.
maybe you go to hell for the things you don't do.
the things you dont finish "
maybe you go to hell for the things you don't do.
the things you dont finish "
Never do anything you wouldn't
want to explain.
moving on is simple,
it's what you leave behind that's hard.
The worst thing you can do
is let your head second guess
your heart.
don't base your decisions on the advice of people who don't have to deal with the consequences.
Once your broken,
that's when you realize
what your really made of.
people do things everyday that they know
could kill them. that doesnt mean they want to die
--Grey's Anatomy
Im tired of being strong when i want to break down.
Im tired of smiling when all i want to do is cry.
Im tired of pretending everythings okay when i feel broken inside.

messing with me is some dangerous behavior.
why don’t you drink and drive, its probably safer.
it makes no difference what you believe in
if you don't stand up for it and make the difference
your high school friends know who you are.
but your elementary school friends know why.
I'm selfish, impatient,
and a littleinsecure.
I make mistakes,
I am out of control, and
at times hard to handle.
But if you cant handle me at myworst,
than you sure as hell don't
deserve me at my best.
so what if i`m a bitch? you`re a whore;
&&i`d rather be known for what i do not who i do.
"Bullets cannot be recalled.
They cannot be uninvented.
But they can be taken out of the gun."
-- Martin Amis
Lots of people want to ride with you in a limo,
but what you want is someone who will
take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
-- Oprah Winfrey
If your brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough power to drive around a penny.
-- Chuckie, Rugrats
Life is too short to live the same day twice.
childhood is the state which ends
the moment a puddle is first viewed
as an obstacle instead of an oppurtunity.
If you're going to make a mistake
make it loud so everyone else sounds wrong.
want to explain.
moving on is simple,
it's what you leave behind that's hard.
The worst thing you can do
is let your head second guess
your heart.
don't base your decisions on the advice of people who don't have to deal with the consequences.
Once your broken,
that's when you realize
what your really made of.
people do things everyday that they know
could kill them. that doesnt mean they want to die
--Grey's Anatomy
Im tired of being strong when i want to break down.
Im tired of smiling when all i want to do is cry.
Im tired of pretending everythings okay when i feel broken inside.
messing with me is some dangerous behavior.
why don’t you drink and drive, its probably safer.
it makes no difference what you believe in
if you don't stand up for it and make the difference
your high school friends know who you are.
but your elementary school friends know why.
I'm selfish, impatient,
and a little
I make mistakes,
I am out of control, and
at times hard to handle.
But if you cant handle me at my
than you sure as hell don't
deserve me at my best.
so what if i`m a bitch? you`re a whore;
&&i`d rather be known for what i do not who i do.
"Bullets cannot be recalled.
They cannot be uninvented.
But they can be taken out of the gun."
-- Martin Amis
Lots of people want to ride with you in a limo,
but what you want is someone who will
take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
-- Oprah Winfrey
If your brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough power to drive around a penny.
-- Chuckie, Rugrats
Life is too short to live the same day twice.
childhood is the state which ends
the moment a puddle is first viewed
as an obstacle instead of an oppurtunity.
If you're going to make a mistake
make it loud so everyone else sounds wrong.
Welcome back Doormat.