About Me

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first and foremost, i'm a small town girl from the bay. it's shaped who i am today. it has everything to do with why i like the simple things in life. the most important thing in life to me, is reading. i love to read; especially fiction. which brings me to.. i believe in magic and fairytales. i still wish on the first star i see at night, and you'll never see me without my socks inside out to ward away the fairies. i intend to spend my life traveling and working only to pay for these trips. i am the biggest harry potter nerd and proud of it. i have a way with words and use that to my advantage. i am crazy, unpredictable and irrational.. and i wouldn't have it any other way. i am who i am, you're approval is neither desired nor required

Thursday, December 9, 2010

post number forty three

and yay, it's time for the cold again. man's favorite game is to play hot and cold, i swear. i have been thinking about after highschool a lot lately.. ideally id like to get an apartment in nova scotia with herself. orr an apartment in the states bc i have always wanted to go to harvard. and i very much intend to apply. i'd never forgive myself if i don't. 

you change your mind
like a girl changes clothes

cause you're hot then you're cold
you're yes then you're no
you're in then you're out
you're up then you're down 

im very excited that c is home.. now if only he can talk some sense into r.. hmm
he told c that he is thinking about asking me to prom. great, can he just ask me. i am dreading the moment when p walks up and says r just asked so and so.
math and phyics is painful lately and the reason is beyond stupid. gr i need serious help.

we were supposed to have a trip to town with cadets this weekend but now we're not. it's next weekend. which really dents up my plans bc by next week we may not even be looking at each other. fuck me gently. 

And it seems to be thatAll along, the problem was,
I cared more about you,Than you cared about me.

Just because somebody flirts with you, doesn't mean they like you. Just because somebody likes you, doesn't mean they want to go out with you. Just because somebody wants to go out with you, doesn't mean they love you. Just because somebody loves you, doesn't mean they won't hurt you. Because people lie, things change. boyfriends cheat, best friends ditch. And there are always going to be those people who would kill to see you fall.

In this weird and twisted way I know you miss me,
not cause I wanna believe its true but cause you'll
never find a girl that can put up with you, you`ll neverfind a girl who will care as much as I did, cause no
one else
will waste all their love on someone like you

She's just a silly girl.
who keeps her hopes too high and her jeans too low.
who lives by quotes & can`t ever seem to say
the right thing at the right time.
she's just another pretty girl looking for herself in a big world.
who just wants someone to love her,
and then everything would be alright.

I'm so surprised that I have this
kind of patience to wait for you.

Maybe one day the sky will be purple, Coach & Louis Vuitton won't cost a single penny, you'll be able to sleep on soaking wet hair & when you wake up it will be perfectly straightened, & love will actually mean something. Yeah, that'll be the day.

You look. He looks. You walk away
wondering if your look had the same
affect on him, that his did on you.

someone's opinion is how others look at you. your attitude shows how you look at yourself.

You have such a pretty smile; it's a shame the things you hide behind it.

You know how after you take a hot shower, the mirror is foggy? & then you write "I love him". Then a few moments later its gone forever ....or so you think. But its not until the next time you take a hot shower it will appear again in the exact same spot. it's like it's engraved in the mirror or something. well, that's how you are in my heart. I finally feel like i have disposed of my feelings for you & that I don't care about you anymore but then it all comes back to me. How much i love you & how much I need you in my life. I guess you'll stay in my heart forever. I love you.

The process of growing up
was nothing more than
figuring out what doors
hadn't yet been slammed in your face.

because for me, it's always been you,always.
i've tried to fight it ; i've tried to deny it
but i can't, you're undeniable.
- The OC

my thoughts are choking
on you, my dear.

and they say we'll never see half as much as they
did. it's true that we never saw Vietnam or World
War Two. we didn't see our mother's cry when
John F. Kennedy died but we've lived our whole
lives being told that we're just not good enough.
we've seen anorexia and bulimia because skinny
just isn't skinny enough. we saw Columbine and
watched the Twin Towers fall. we've seen a lot of
greed and even more hate. our generation fights
a different kind of war but we've seen just as
much as them.. and maybe even more.

please don't turn this into something it's not
i can only give you everything i've got.

the brain sees what the heart wants it to feel.

I don't know why, I've always been big on happy endings.
you see, to me, the most romantic, beautiful love stories ever
were the ones where two people meet, fall in love, and then
fifty or sixty years later, one of them dies and then a few
days after that the other one dies because they just can't bear
to live without each other.

The greatest mistake in life is to
fear you'll always be making one.

if you want what you've
never had you have to do
what you've never done

hope never
abandons you,
you abandon it.

& just because your eyes are
open doesn't mean you can see

but once you throw a stone,
there are ripples in the pond
even if you remove the rock.

Strut you stuff
& Let him know that he
didn't break you

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