About Me

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first and foremost, i'm a small town girl from the bay. it's shaped who i am today. it has everything to do with why i like the simple things in life. the most important thing in life to me, is reading. i love to read; especially fiction. which brings me to.. i believe in magic and fairytales. i still wish on the first star i see at night, and you'll never see me without my socks inside out to ward away the fairies. i intend to spend my life traveling and working only to pay for these trips. i am the biggest harry potter nerd and proud of it. i have a way with words and use that to my advantage. i am crazy, unpredictable and irrational.. and i wouldn't have it any other way. i am who i am, you're approval is neither desired nor required

Saturday, January 29, 2011

last post.

farewell faithful readers. this fantastical blog has carried me through soo much these past few months. it's the only reason i didn't go crazy. my favorite part about it is i had followers. who enjoyed my updates!

oh .. wait. did i mention that i'm not techincally leaving the blogging community?
catch me if you can at http://formerdoormat.wordpress.com
hopefully this time you guys will actually "like" the posts and leave comments. loves me some feedback people.

yours truely, a much happier me.

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